Thursday, July 2, 2009

Random Questions

Here are some random questions that I think about every now and then. I do some of these things myself, but I still wonder.

  1. Why did colgate package a trial size and normal size toothpaste of the same flavor?
  2. Why are Asians said to be bad drives, but in movies they are the racing type?
  3. Why is it called a driveway when you park on it?
  4. Why is it called a parkway when you drive on it?
  5. Why was it decided that Saturday and Sunday would be the weekend?
  6. Why do people press the crosswalk button so many times? (this also includes elevators)
  7. Why are there so many rules to the English language?
  8. Why do people continually press the remote when the batteries are dead?
  9. Why do people say my alarm went off when it really turned on?
  10. Why can't drivers make turns at certain intersections during a certain period of time?
  11. Why is island spelled with a S?
I can't think of anymore, but maybe this will get your brain started.

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