Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Today I turned in my keys to La Jolla Crossroads. I am officially living in my new place near SDSU!!!! I am excited and nervous about this whole thing. I know it will be a good thing for me because it is going to force me out of my comfort zone and it will allow me to experience new things. So I am both excited and nervous for all of these unknown new things. It is just going to add onto the growth of myself and the things that I have learned already through the first half of this year. I just can't wait for what the rest of this year brings!!!

Thursday, June 24, 2010


Ok here is something super old. This is from my old xanga page and it was posted on August 11, 2004. I am updating now.

[my name is ]: Justin

[single or taken ]: Single

[sex ]: Male

[b-day ]: April 24, 1988

[sign ]: Taurus

[siblings ]: 2 sisters Shayna and Trisha

[hair colour ]: Black

[eye colour ]: Brown

[in the morning i am ]: Tired

[love is ]: a four letter word that means everything

-W I T H .T H E. O P P O S I T E. S E X-

[what do you notice first? ]: Their voice. I've noticed that I pay attention to how people sound

[what makes you smile ]: Being around them

[what gives you a funny feeling when you see them ]: Just hanging out with them I guess

[who do you have a crush on ]: Secret

-W H O-

[is easiest to talk to ]: My friends

[are your best friends? ]: I have a lot but the ones I talk to the most are Christian, Steph, Kat, and Lyn

[do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? ]: No

-W H O .W A S .T H E .L A S T. P E R S O N-

[you talked to on the phone ]: My mom

[you instant messaged ]: Robyn

[you laughed with ]: Rafa and Will

-D O .Y O U / / A R E .Y O U-

[could you live without the computer? ]: No

[what's your favourite food? ]: Beef and Tofu

[what’s ur favourite fruit? ]: Strawberry

[what hurts the most? physical pain or emotional pain? ]: Emotional pain

[trust others way too easily? ]: Yes

-N U M B E R-

[of times i have had my heart broken? ]: 1

[of hearts i have broken? ]: 0

[of tight friends? ]: Too many to name

[of cd's that i own? ]: Too many to count

[of scars on my body? ]: A few

[of things in my past that i regret? ]: 2


[i know ]: I am a huge dork

[i want ]: To be able to stop over thinking about everything

[i have ]: An amazing family and amazing friends

[i wish ]: I never had to drive again

[i hate ]: When I am late to anything and everything

[i miss ]: Being a kid and having no worries

[i fear ]: Being rejected

[i hear ]: Conversations (this is a weird one)

[i search ]: For shoes? Not sure about this one

[i love ]: Sports

[i care ]: For family and friends

[i always ]: Laugh and act stupid

[i cry ]: When I get super stressed

[i confused ]: Girls.. Who really understands them?

[i can usually be found ]: At home watching TV or doing HW

[i need ]: To learn how to stop over thinking

-A R E . Y O U-

[wuss ]: No

[gang member ]: No

[daydreamer ]: Sometimes

[freak ]: Not really

[brat ]: No

[sarcastic ]: Yes

[goody-goody ] Yes

[talkative ]: Yes when I am comfortable. I tend to be quiet when I feel uncomfortable.


[your best feature ]: I would like to think I am a good listner

[most annoying thing you do ]: Stress too easily

[the physical feature for which you are most often complimented ]: Legs (everyone thinks I shave, but I don't)

[you'd like to visit ]: I want to visit Hawaii again

[a drink you order most often ]: Water

[a book you highly recommend ]: Fireproof

[a film you could watch over and over ]: UP

[your cologne or perfume ]: Guess Suede

[under your bed or in your closet you hide ]: Nothing

-f a v o r i t e s-

[colour ]: Blue

[boys names ]: Not sure on names

[girls names ]: Not sure on names

[subjects in school ]: Math

[animals ]: Snakes

[sports ]: Basketball and Football

-c u r r e n t-

[clothes ]: A Hurley shirt and jeans

[music ]: Jazz

[make-up ]: None

[annoyance ]: People who think they are always right

[smell ]: Food

[favourite artist ]: Gabe Bondoc

[favourite group]: None at the moment

[desktop picture ]: Tyreke Evans

[color of toenails ]: Clear

l a s t | p e r s o n

[you touched ]: Rafa? Gave him the hand shake

[hugged ]: Rafa

[you imed ]: Robyn

[you yelled at ]: Don't even remember

a r e | y o u

[understanding ]: Yes

[open-minded ]: Yes

[arrogant ]: No

[insecure ]: Sometimes

[interesting ]: Maybe

[random ]: Yes

[hungry ]: Not right now

[smart ]: Kinda

[moody ]: Not really

[hard working ]: Yes

[organized ] Yes

[healthy ] Yes

[shy ]: Sometimes

[Difficult ]: Sometimes

[attractive ]: I don't know

[bored easily ]: Yes

[messy ]: Sometimes

[responsible ]: Yes

[obsessed ]: At times

[angry ]: No

[sad ]: Kinda

[happy ]: I guess

[trusting ]: Yes

d o | y o u | e v e r

[sit on the internet all night waiting for that someone special to im you? ]: No

[save conversations ]: Sometimes

[wish you were a member of the opposite sex? ]: Last night at the softball game. I wanted to bat more. haha

[wish you were younger ]: Yes. I want to be a kid again sometimes

[Cried because someone said something to you? ] Rarely

F i n a l | q u e s t i o n s

[do you like filling these out? ]: I don't mind them

[how many people are you sending this to ]: No one

[who will send it back ]: No one

[gold or silver ]: Gold

[what was the last film you saw at the movies? ]: Toy Story 3

[favourite cartoon/anime ]: Family Guy

[what did you have for breakfast this morning ] Nothing

[who would you love being locked in a room with ]: No one

[would you colour your hair ]: Nope

[could you ever get off the computer ]: Yes

[how many people are on your buddy list ]: 90

[who are you talkin to righ now ]: Rafa, Margie, Will, and Dar

[drink alcohol ]: Sometimes

[like watching sunrises or sunsets ]: Sunsets