Monday, May 25, 2009

The Perfect Memorial Day Weekend

This Memorial Day Weekend has been so much fun. It was filled with a lot of activities and it sucks that it has to end.

On Saturday I had breakfast at the Pancake House with Will, Kat, PB, and Tina. Had to wait a while to get seated but it was worth the wait. Will tried to hook me up with someone again. He was trying to get me to talk to our waitress, but I don't think I could ever do that. Then later I headed to Will's place to watch the Lakers game. The outcome was the one flaw in my weekend. Hahaha.

Then on Sunday I went to church and had Tech Crew. After service all of the youth and a group of adults headed to Mission Bay for the Day. We stayed out there all day and played football, frisbee, and bocce ball (the old man game according to PB). We were all out there till 9 and then the sprinklers came on, which was crazy! We had to rush to move everything into the street so that everything wouldn't get wet. It was fun though.

Then today I went to get dim sum with some of my roommates. Nothing is better than Asian food. Then I went to go see Star Trek with Kat. The movie was really good and better than I had expected. After the movie, Kat and I went to go meet up with PB and Tina at Cadao for dinner. After we had finished eatting, Jerry and Grace walked in and then joined us. We ended up staying and talking to them until they had finished their dinner. After dinner PB, Tina, Jerry, Grace, and I all went bowling at Mira Mesa Bowl. It was really fun and Jerry and Tina almost got the curve down. Nice job! I really should buy a ball and shoes since I want to go bowling so much. Hahaha

Well that was my recap. Hope it was entertaing.


  1. sounds like you had a very fun weekend. i would've wanted to be at the park when the sprinklers turned on. that's always exhilirating!


  2. Yeah, that was a pretty fun filled weekend! Yay, that was pretty fun trying to learn the curve in bowling...we have to do it again, then I'll be a pro like you and PB...hehe.

